Wow it has been three months since we last posted! We will be conscious of doing this more frequently again! Thank you for your continued support and prayers throughout this time, we are excited to share what God is doing through this life and ministry update.
Watch the video for a quick update or read below for more details!
Personal life update
Chelsea's due date with baby Ezra is projected for December 28! John and Chelsea anticipate another home birth (as they did with Lydia) assuming everything continues in its current trajectory.
Pastoral Residency
The evaluation in July went well! Thank you for your prayers!
The response from leadership of Downtown Hope (including the lead pastor, pastor of cultivation, and one of the elder members) was very encouraging. Moving forward DH has expressed that John is ready in matters concerning his theology, personal character, and ministry experience. The residency will primarily focus on building the structure of Victor Haven Ministries.
Georgetown East Elementary
John has continued volunteering with Georgetown East Elementary, but this time through their mentoring program. He and another pastor are mentoring four kids once a week at the school. They also go on monthly outings that the school organizes outside of normal school hours. John hopes to develop strong relationships with the kids and their parents to see the children thrive and the community experience the life and beauty of Jesus.
Ministry in Pakistan
Chelsea and John have also been partnering with a couple from Pakistan who are doing outreaches to unreached people groups. Every month John and Chelsea preach the Gospel, share their testimonies, and pray for healing via Zoom while one of the team members in Pakistan translates. John and Chelsea then support the distribution of bibles in the native language for those that want one. The outreaches have been very fruitful with 104 people accepting Jesus just this last month alone. This is a sincere decision for people in the Pakistani community as it is illegal to share Christianity and illegal to convert.
Seminary Update
John's semester of seminary is coming to an end. He just wrapped up a large paper on the Christology of Revelation. All he has left is a final exam and a small essay.
Victor Haven Ministry Team Updates
Victor Haven has just welcomed two new team members! As Victor Haven Ministries looks forward to the new year, everyone has a sense that God moving the team into a new season. While the team has spent a lot of time this past year growing together and doing some planning, everyone is able to see some form of open gathering starting sometime in the new year.
Community Group
Chelsea and John have been leading a community group associated with Downtown Hope. This has been an incredible opportunity to meet people and minister to some amazing people. The group has been going through the early chapters of Genesis and is currently in Genesis 3.
Thank you all for supporting John and Chelsea financially and through prayer. This would not be possible without you. John and Chelsea are hoping that John is fully funded soon and that Chelsea is able to transition to full-time parenting and part-time freelance work. John would then be able to fully devote himself to ministry. Please reach out with any questions, or just to say hi! John and Chelsea are incredibly grateful! Thank you!